How to login hopeCloud platform with SmartClient account

How to login hopeCloud platform with SmartClient account

1. Purpose

For the convenience of users, the hopeCloud platform currently fully supports data transfer from the old platform (SmartClient). Users can view the inverter data of both new and old WiFi devices on the hopeCloud platform.


2. Login hopeCloud platform:

Now the hopeCloud platform has fully copied the data from SmartClient platform, and the data from SmartClient will be forwarded to the hopeCloud platform in real-time.

Users can use the same account to login to hopeCloud and view the monitoring data of their plant and inverters.

Login hopeCloud with user’s SmartClient account:


Account: <Same account as SmartClient>

Password: 123456

3. View the data on hopeCloud platform

After login hopeCloud, users could check the same plant and inverter on hopeClould.

The example of the SmartClient plant and hopeCloud plant as below:

View the same plant on hopeCloud: